
lunes, 28 de julio de 2014

En esta oportunidad, quiero compartir con ustedes una entrevista que realicé con la fundadora de la escuela 3 Mariposas Montessori, Sarah Ludwig-Ros. Este espacio que se sostiene por el infatigable trabajo de toda la comunidad y sobre todo de sus responsables pedagógicos, han logrado, casi casualmente, la convivencia e integración de diferentes grupos sociales pocas veces vista. La institución se encuentra ubicada en la costa norte de República Dominicana y tiene las puertas abiertas a quien quiera asistir. Quienes pueden pagar una cuota, colabora económicamente, el resto es solventado por una pequeña red de donaciones, sobre todo de los allegados de los responsables del espacio. Así se inició la cadena. El método de enseñanza es el Montessori, y es una muestra más que las escuelas Montessori no son necesariamente excesivamente caras. El uso de la creatividad, el ingenio y la optimización de todos los recursos, hacen posible que se cuenten con los materiales. El amor, la tenacidad y mucho trabajo sostienen día a día el espacio. Los invito a que lean la entrevista, por el momento sólo en inglés, una hermosa historia de amor y lucha por la infancia. The answers to your questions are written by 3MM’s Founder and Head of School, Sarah Ludwig-Ross. _ Realice una breve descripción de la zona donde está ubicada la escuela. Ubicación geográfica, cantidad de habitantes, motor económico de la zona, características particulares. 3 Mariposas Montessori is located in La Ciénaga, a small village that is part of the municipal district of Cabarete located on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. Cabarete’s population is approximately 14,000. La Ciénaga is one of the poorest areas of Cabarete. La Ciénaga is a small, densely populated area located between the coast and the lagoon of El Parque Nacional El Choco. Many of the homes in La Ciénaga have been built on land saturated with water from the lagoon and, in some cases, on land that was filled into the lagoon to make room for more housing. As a result, flooding is a common occurrence. Cabarete is one of the most popular tourist zones of the Dominican Republic. Many expats also live in Cabarete year round. It is also surrounded by nature and agricultural land. The parents of our families in scholarship commonly work as domestic employees (nanny, cleaning, gardeners), in agriculture, as mototaxi drivers or tourism. Many are also unemployed, primarily because they lack the education or training to find jobs. Three 3MM mothers who were previously unemployed now work in La Tienda, 3MM’s school store. One 3MM mother who began as a volunteer classroom assistant is now our Primary Lead Teacher. After 2 years of studies, she received her Montessori teacher certification in 2012. Another 3MM mother is an assistant in the Primary Classroom. The parents of our tuition-paying students typically work in tourism and are small business owners. The enrollment rate in pre-primary education in the Dominican Republic is a staggering 37%, one of the lowest enrollment rates among all Latin American and Caribbean countries. Additionally, the pre-primary enrollment gap between rich and poor is one of the greatest in the entire world. We’re proud to say that we’re closing that gap here in La Ciénaga. _
Realice una descripción edilicia de la escuela y una descripción del alumnado y sus familias. Puede incluir fotos y videos. 3 Mariposas Montessori is located on a small dirt road at the entrance of La Ciénaga. The building was originally my home! When I decided to open a school, I couldn’t think of a better place. With the help of local builders and volunteers, we converted the home into a child-friendly learning space for our Primary Classroom in 2009. Over the years, we have created a beautiful outdoor learning environment; built La Tienda, 3MM’s school store; built a library; and renovated the 2nd building on the property into El Nido, our Toddler/Twos Classroom. We strongly believe in Maria Montessori’s belief that “the child should live in an environment of beauty.” When the children open the gate to 3MM, it’s as if they’re opening the door to a children’s paradise for playing and learning. The exterior colors are bright and full of life. And the space is green and full of nature. We’ve labeled all the fauna with their names in Spanish and English. In the outdoor learning environment, we have a vegetable garden, sound walls, mud pit, sand pit, natural balancing beam, rock climbing wall, playground equipment and play forts. 7 out of 10 students live in poverty and attend 3MM on full scholarship; however, our entire student population is composed of children from various cultures, nationalities and socioeconomic backgrounds. Our children and their families speak many languages at home, including Spanish, Creole, English, French, German and Italian. We are proud of our diversity, which reflects the community in which we live! At 3MM, we also work with local teachers and parents to create a sustainable and effective model for early childhood education in the Dominican Republic. Using the Montessori method, we’re committed to providing a learning environment that encourages all our students to become confident, independent, caring and creative individuals. And because family participation in education is twice as predictive of students’ success as socioeconomic status, all 3MM parents are active members of the school community. 3MM also employs, mentors and awards Montessori teacher certification scholarships to teaching assistants who have grown up right in the school’s neighborhood. Working together, our children, parents and teachers have created an early childhood education program that works. Photos: Please feel free to use any photos from our Facebook page. If you’d like the photo in higher resolution, please email Michelle. Video: Video: Story of one 3MM mother and her son in La Ciénaga: _
Cuéntenos cómo surge la idea de abrir una escuela. Orígenes. ¿Cómo ha sido la acogida de la comunidad con la institución? I understand the importance of early childhood education and the positive impact it has on little ones. Since I knew that an early childhood center did not exist in the neighborhood that is located just behind my house, I thought that it was important to start one. However, over the years working as a teacher, I have seen that in order for children to get the most out school, it is crucial to have educated adult role models in their lives. That being said, I decided that 3MM would also provide educational opportunities for the teachers and parents/guardians of our students. Since the doors of 3MM were opened in 2009, the community has supported and applauded the efforts of 3 Mariposas Montessori. Each and every year we have quite a lengthy waiting list, so that alone tells me that people believe in our mission. _ Háblanos un poquito de ustedes, las fundadoras (nacionalidad, estudios, por qué RD, etc). I am from Dowagiac, Michigan in the United States. When I was 21, I decided to learn Spanish so I moved to Santiago to live with a Dominican family and study at the PUCMM. It was then that I fell in love with the country and its people. My brother-in-law was born in Haiti and spent approximately 10 years of his life there. Thanks to him and his family, I had the opportunity to travel to Haiti for the first time when I was in high school. I’ve been back several times since and have formed a special place in my heart for the Haitian people as well as their country. That being said, the island of Quisqueya (Hispaniola) has become my home away from home for 13 years. I obtained my Masters in Curriculum and Education from Michigan State University and studied at The Montessori Teacher's Academy in Mishawaka, Indiana to obtain my AMS Montessori 3 - 6 teaching certificate.
_ Gestión: plan de recaudación de fondos y financiamiento. Of our entire student population, 30% pay tuition and the other 70% live in poverty and attend 3MM on full scholarship. To offset these disparities, we depend on the help of individual donors, grant-giving organizations, volunteers and business sponsors. We receive donations from individual donors throughout the year, for everything from in-kind donations to La Tienda to monetary donations for our teacher-training program. In 2012, we started our annual Mother’s Day campaign, A Mother’s Wish, to raise money for our Student Scholarship Fund. In 2012, 80 individuals gave $13,000. Just two years later, over 260 donors (a 225% increase!) gave $32,000 during A Mother’s Wish. As we grow and our families’ lives change thanks to their involvement with 3MM, more and more people from around the world are opening their hearts to help our school. We’re so grateful for the financial support and encouragement we receive from our donors. Our major grants have come from St Denys Foundation, a US-based foundation. It is our goal to solicit more grants to help us open our Elementary Program in 2016. Local business sponsors donate important things like our internet connection and fresh produce for snacks and lunch. Last but not least, we would not be where we are today if it weren’t for the dedication of our volunteers! International and local volunteers gave over 4,000 hours of their time in 2012. _Servicios que brindan y que número de niños asisten, edades. Reconocimiento de la Secretaría de Educación. Children Programs El Nido (1-3 years old); 20 students Primary (3-6 years old); 27 students Extended-Day; students from Primary & Graduate Programs Graduate (6-8 years old); 6 students Free Lunch Program Excursions Total Students: 53 Parent Programs Home Visits Program Monthly Parent Meetings Parent-Teacher Association La Tienda, School Store (run by 3 parents) Tuition Alternative (cleaning program for families on scholarship) One-on-One Parent Meetings Total Parents: 74 Teacher Programs Daily Montessori Mentoring Montessori Certification Scholarship English Course Scholarship Home Renovation/Construction Professional Skills Training (i.e. computers) Total Local Teachers & Other Local Staff in Training: 8 Since we work with children 1 - 8, and our 6 – 8 year olds attend an accredited school in the morning, we have not needed to receive any certifications from the Secretary of Education. We are an NGO recognized by the Dominican government. _ ¿Por qué deciden emplear la metodología Montessori? ¿Es un desafío extra? ¿Cómo adquieren sus materiales? ¿Ustedes confeccionan? I decided to implement the Montessori method at 3 Mariposas Montessori because I truly believe in it. Maria Montessori, also known as "The Genius", developed an educational method that builds on the way children learn naturally. I felt that if 3MM could offer an environment with materials which allow children to learn naturally, there would be no stopping these children. The sky would be the limit! A challenge that we have had because we use the Montessori method is that some parents who have never before been exposed to such a unique way of learning, sometimes don't understand how their children are learning. It isn't common for a child in 3 - 6 Montessori classroom to bring lots of tangible items that they have created home with them. The child concentrates on the process of learning, not on producing products. So, when parents see the neighbor children bringing home papers with letters and numbers written on them, and then see their child coming home empty handed, they sometimes worry that their children are not learning. But, after attending meetings which demonstrate and talk about the Montessori method, after observing in their child's classroom and after simply witnessing their child's deep love and excitement for 3 Mariposas Montessori, their worries vanish. We have acquired our Montessori works (materials) over the years with the help of individual donors (monetary donations we use to purchase works), the hands of volunteers who help us make works and Montessori schools who donate gently used or new works. We are currently seeking Montessori works appropriate for the Elementary Classroom we will be opening in 2016.
_ Agregue toda la información que considere importante que no haya sido contemplada en esta guía de preguntas. To learn about ways you can help 3 Mariposas Montessori, please visit Paola, please feel free to use any information or media found on our website ( or Facebook page ( Thank you for thinking of and including 3MM!!